Establishing a foundation for costreduction
In order to easily advance cost reduction, it is necessary to establish a foundation for the current organization, authority, rules, etc., and the following are effective preparation requirements.
1. Establishment of a core organization
When a typical company takes on the challenge of "cost reduction," it must be treated as an important strategy and, under the direction of top management, a new organization must be established to manage company-wide costs, separate from the existing human resources, general affairs, etc.
When establishing a new organization,the following authority must be given to it.
① Compiling a company-wide cost budget
② Drafting a strategy for the company's cost management
③ Drafting and instructing "cost reduction measures"
④ Bringing all company-wide cost management departments under its control as much as possible and implementing the cost budget and strategy
⑤ Providing instructions and guidance on "cost management" for cost management departments that are not under its control as appropriate
Especially ④ is very effective from the perspective of cost management, so ideally, perfect cost management would be possible if all company-wide cost management departments were under its control.
To advance "cost reduction," it is necessary to break through the current situation, such as reviewing "rules" and "processes." To achieve this, strong "authority = power" is necessary, and not only does it require the understanding of top management, but the organization's position must also be as close to top management as possible.
2. Organizational Linearization
By "organizing" each on-site person incharge into a "line," it is possible to unify the chain of command and instructions down to the very end of the site. This allows for thorough "cost management" and "efficiency in business operations" to be implemented at a much faster pace, and also allows for the accurate implementation of "emergency measures," making it a very effective way of promoting "cost reduction."
3. Holding a meeting of cost managers
After launching the new organization, itis necessary to hold an "information exchange meeting" to gather all the cost managers in the company in order to exert influence on the entire company.
Even though they are all cost managers,they have different duties, scopes of responsibility, and levels, so it is necessary to group them by commonduties, job level such as manager, or common theme, and convene them.However, the key is to have the actualperson responsible for costs participate rather than by job title or title, which will clarify the issues and speed up the resolution.
If you hold the meeting after the monthly performance is finalized,memories of "cost" will be fresh, and itis likely that you will be able to quickly find and resolve issues.
It is sufficient for the meeting materials to reflect the forecast for the month inquestion, and the actual results by expense item and the increase or decrease in the budget to understand the contents of the costs, and it is fine to have the increase or decrease from the previous year as an excuse.
The key to the discussion is to compare people with the same job or position side by side and discuss in the meeting "why can others do it but you can't" and "by what time will it be resolved".
After the meeting, create "minutes" and distribute them to not only the attendees but also their superiors,executives, and the president to disclose the information, which will increaseattention and deepen understanding of cost reduction.
In this way, even if you cannot give instructions as a subordinate, you can control costs for the entire company through "meetings" that bring together related parties.
4. Create an order price table
First, you need to know how much the current "order unit price" is. Except in special cases, the lowest unit price from the previous order unit price will be the "base unit price". Then, based on the "base unit price", you need to update the "order unit price table" with the order unit price determined in the "competitive bid" conducted after that.
If you use this to conduct a "competitive bid", the "order price" will not fluctuate, and you will be able to place orders while always keeping the market price in mind. At the same time, if you create an "order unit price table", you can see at a glance how many items you order, so you can also narrow down duplicate or similar items.
*Other "infrastructure development" requirements include "clarifying the scope of budget responsibilities", "checking with a progress management table", "implementing a low-cost campaign", "clarifying the mid-term strategy", and "shared services are an effective cost reduction measure", and I have written about them in my book "Heretical Cost Reduction".
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★office-doi copyright2013 kazuo.doi All rights reserved